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No Evidence of Medical Malpractice CrisisAn article in The Washington Post refutes the claim in medical malpractice cases are causing a problem.
President Bush Tries to Destroy the Effectiveness of CPSCPresident Bush has nominated a candidate to head the Consumer Product Safety Commission whose goal will be to destroy its effectiveness
Florida Jury Awards Stroke Victim $3.82 Million Dollars
ABA Takes Issue With the President
FDA licenses new vaccine to reduce risk of shingles for older Americans
House Bill to Protect Manufacturers of Defective Products
Public Citizen sues FDA over plans for secret meeting
Medication Errors
Consumer Products Safety Commission proposes a rule change that will put consumers in danger
Products are safer because of civil law suits
Lawyer Wins $11,000,000.00 verdict against Allstate
New Study Casts Doubt on Claims that the Medical Malpractice System is Plagued by Frivolous Lawsuits